For starters, those who are not familiar with, it’s basically a cloud storage provider where you can easily upload and store data. For that reason, it also works great in backing up data sources, sharing and transferring of files, remote driver, and many more.
However, aside from the convenience it offers, it’s also important to pay attention to its security features, and that’s what we’re going to discuss. Is Filejoker safe? Or it’s nothing more than a scam? Let’s find out.
The Security It Offers
The men behind takes security very seriously. As a matter of fact, they only use the latest technology to ensure that the accounts registered on their website would not only be safe, but secure as well. Aside from that, the payment procedure and traffic exchange between the user and is fully encrypted. That means you wouldn’t have to worry about your account getting compromised or the website getting hijacked as your complete privacy, safety, and anonymity are guaranteed.
Uploading Files to FileJoker
For you to be able to upload files to their website, you’ll have to register, and this is completely free of charge. However, if you really want to enjoy its features, we do suggest that you consider getting a premium account. After successfully logging in, you’ll see Upload Files link on top of the page, and you simply have to click on that and you’ll be taken to the Upload page from where you can choose and upload files. The process itself is very straightforward, which means even those who don’t really know how a cloud storage service works wouldn’t have a hard time at all.
Sharing Data with Others
With, you’ll be able to share your data all over the globe. Despite that, it’s fully secured and only those with your authorization would be able to access the data. You’ll be giving them the URL which you’ll get after uploading your file, but you can also find this on “My Files” menu inside your account. Simply give this URL to the person you want to share the file with, and they’ll be able to download it.
Downloading From
Just like what has been mentioned earlier, in order to download a file from this website, you’ll need the URL, and after obtaining that, you’ll be able to download the files you want without any issues at all. Just follow the site instructions and that’s about it.
Deleting Files
For certain files that you don’t need anymore, you can delete them by logging in to your account, and go to “My Files” menu. Here, you’ll be able to locate the file you want to delete, and just click on the delete button which is across the file name. For multiple files, you can select the files by ticking the box located just in front the name box, and they’ll be removed.
Is FileJoker Legit or a Scam?
As you can see, is definitely not a scam. You wouldn’t have to worry about your information getting stolen as they use a comply encryption system that automatically encrypts the files on its servers, protecting them from online theft.
hi, my IP address was blocked by Filejoker via the free download link. I have been waiting patiently for 3 days but the error message from still said that “You have reached daily download limit for your ip range”. Personally i don’t mind to use a free service from because my internet speed is quite slow.
Please help to release my IP restriction and unblock me to access Filejoker for slow download of files.